How long does shipping take?
  • There is a processing time of 1-2 business days. Afterwards products will ship and generally take 4-7 days or sooner to arrive in the United States. International shipping (outside of the United States) may take longer up to 6-8 weeks. Please allow an extra 5-7 days for customized products
Why does shipping take so long?
  • We pride ourselves in offering the highest quality products available. When your order is placed we customize your product just for you, in order to make sure the products you receive are of the highest quality possible. This is how we can guarantee 30 Day Satisfaction or your Money back and uphold to it as promised. This is why shipping may take longer, but we promise your wait will be worth it. 
Do you offer returns/exchanges?
  • Of course we do, if you contact us for a return within 30 days of your purchase, we'll gladly refund your full purchase after you return the product (this excludes customized products.) We also offer exchanges on all items except customized products. Please refer to our Shipping & Refund policy for more information.
Can I cancel my order?
  • If your order has not been shipped yet (2-3 days since purchase), yes you can. Please contact us ASAP to cancel an order. 


How quickly will I get a response?
  • We answer messages and emails in the order they are received and we try to respond as promptly as possible. Most of the time our team will reply to you within 24 hours of receiving an email.
Can I change my shipping address after an order has been placed?
  • Once an order is placed, our warehouse staff packs and prepares the order for shipping within 24 hours, so it's not always possible to process address change requests. If you notice an error, please email us ASAP with your name and order number so we can try to make any correction(s) to your package before it ships. There's no guarantee we can make it, especially once it leaves our warehouse, but we'll do everything we can to help you!